Tuesday, 10 July 2012


means the dimensions of the soul. this can be observed by the proper control of the breath. 
there are various breathing pattern and practices to do this. these patterns and practices are commonly called  pranayam. 

if you do not believe soul you must be believing your mind. the pranayam helps to understand and discipline  both. 

at first , you should start observing your breath. just feel it. for a few days. 

the first thing you will come to know is that we hardly ever breath by both nostrils. 
secondly nostrils change after a certain period. 
the left side of the nostril breath is called the chandra swara and the right side of the nostril is surya swara. 
this can be used to control the temperature and moods and small ailments of the body. which i will try to give extensively some other day on this blog.

the second thing you will observe that thinking changes the speed, quantum and velocity of your breath. 
when you are thinking about your gym exercises your speed , quantum and velocity of the breath is greater than that of when you are thinking of going to sleep, even if you are sitting in the same position. 
pranayam uses these factors to reversely control your thoughts. 

the third thing you will observe that if you drastically or suddenly change your body posture , your nostril will change automatically. 

the forth thing you have to obeserve that you normally breath by the throat , by the heart , by the belly , by the bottom and if this changes then when does this change happen. 

now the most important
do you observe any cycles in these above factors. 
this is the most important observation you need to do for a few days before you choose the pranayam for yourself.

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